
New members are very welcome and experience is not necessary. There is no requirement to become actively involved and many of our members focus on the talks and study days. If you are interested then come along to one of our talks for a fee of £5 (refundable if you decide to join) where you can meet the committee and other members.

From 2023 the annual membership fee (which runs from 1st April to the end of March the following year) is £25 per person, reduced to £12.50 if paid between January and March; expires March 31st. Full time students between the ages of 16 and 25 receive free membership.

For this the society offers, subject to any Covid restrictions in force:

Only members can take part in fieldwork activities. Non-members can attend lectures, study days and take part in trips when spaces are available, this is at an additional charge of £5 over and above the members rate.

The society uses for online membership. Existing off-line payment methods (see below) are used.

To become a member or to renew your membership: please click on the following link: Join Us / Renew

To check or amend your membership details: please click on the following link:
Your Membership

To visit our store (once active), please click on the following link:
Member Store

Payment can be made as follows:

  1. Internet Banking (preferred) – Make payment to Chichester & District Archaeology Society, or CDAS for short.
    Sort Code 40-17-16
    Account 31438158
    Reference (where applicable) ‘your name - subs'.

  2. By Standing Order (preferred) – Please contact your bank to set up the Standing Order (see form below for details). If you are an existing member then please check that the existing Standing Order is for the correct amount. Standing Order Form

  3. Cash/cheque - Please send cheques to the membership secretary (address below). If paying in person then cash is fine but it is not recommended that you send it by post.

Membership Secretary: Richard New, email

If you would like to become involved in the fieldwork activities then you should contact Steve Cleverly (surveying and excavation) via who will add you to the list of volunteers and get in contact as opportunities arise.

Chichester and District Archaeological Society – Data Protection and Privacy Notice