
From September to May we offer a programme of talks in the cinema of the New Park Centre, New Park Road, Chichester on the fourth Wednesday of the month, given by leading archaeologists, authors and academics. Refreshments are available in the bar after the meeting, when there is a chance to chat. We welcome non-members at the lectures, which start at 7.30 pm and usually finish about 9 pm. An entry fee of £5 is payable by non-members at the door.

CDAS Lecture Evening

The bar will normally be open after the lecture for drinks (hot, soft or alcoholic). For the time being it remains a cash free bar, so, payment by card only.

Regrettably until further notice there will be no live stream of these talks. We will however continue to experiment with alternative options of recording talks and perhaps making them available via our YouTube channel.


25th September: James Brown, National Trust - Recent Excavations at Petworth (tbc)

Previous Talks (posters by Peter Ross)

CDAS Lecture Posters